June 5, 2024
The Morgan County Board of Education accepts RFQs from qualified educational service providers to provide intensive support to transform core instruction and instructional leadership practice.
Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Schools until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, June 21, 2024. Bids should be sent to the attention of: Kristen Tuttle, Morgan County Board of Education Office, 247 Harrison Avenue, Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Services Requested:
Provide educator and instructional leader support on high-quality instructional models focused on Marzano's Taxonomy of instruction that shifts from teacher-centered to student-centered classrooms. Assist instructional leaders in developing a culture of standards-driven instruction founded on data collected through classroom observations, evidence of student work, and professional learning communities.
Provide intense coaching support for school leaders and teachers at Warm Springs Middle School and Berkeley Springs High School.
Provide district-level supports through professional learning communities, executive action team meetings, and development of best practices to support schools to maximize growth and student achievement countywide.
The Morgan County Board of Education is an equal-opportunity employer and hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids for any reason.