Please see the latest memo on Closing of Schools Due to Inclement Weather by clicking on the following link: or viewing the image below.
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Weather Memo
Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2022!
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
New Year 2022
We hope everyone has had a safe and fun holiday break! As we prepare to return to school on January 3, we wanted to remind our families of a few important points to help keep all of us safe and healthy. If your child is experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms, please keep him/her home until a negative COVID-19 test has been received or a physician has provided an alternate diagnosis. If you know your child has been exposed to someone that was positive for COVID-19, please contact your school nurse and keep the child home until the appropriate quarantine period has passed. You may also contact our COVID Support Specialist with any questions at 304-621-3275. COVID-19 continues to be a challenge for all of us, but if we can all work together, we can keep our schools open and our activities going. Local transmission of COVID-19 remains at the HIGH level, therefore masks will be required indoors and on buses next week, January 3 through January 7.
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
mask mandate
Happy Holidays to all our students, families and staff.
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Happy Holidays
Morgan County Schools are closed next week for Winter Break. However, we wanted to share this week's numbers with you. We hope you all have a great break and we will share updated numbers next week.
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Local transmission of COVID-19 remains at the HIGH level, therefore masks will be required indoors and on buses next week, December 20 through December 24.
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
mask mandate
As a reminder, there is a scheduled 2hr Early Dismissal for students on Wednesday, December 22. There is NO school Thursday, December 23 through Friday, December 31 for the Winter Break.
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Winter Break
Important Message from our Superintendent Please Read in Entirety. Please click link below.
about 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Local transmission of COVID-19 remains at the HIGH level, therefore masks will be required indoors and on buses next week, December 13 through December 17.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Mask Mandate
Local transmission of COVID-19 remains at the HIGH level, therefore masks will be required indoors and on buses next week, December 6 through December 10.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Mask Mandate
WVDE has released video score reports for students that are currently in grades 4-9 and 12, who took the Spring 2021 GSA and SAT School Day. Your child will be receiving an email with a secure link to a Video Score Report at their K12 email address. You may check your schools communicator app for more information. Additional information on the score report cards are available at WV Department of Education Pilots Assessment Tool for Students and Families - West Virginia Department of Education.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Local transmission of COVID-19 remains at the HIGH level, therefore masks will be required indoors and on buses next week, November 29 through December 3.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Mask Mandate
On this Thanksgiving, we want to share our genuine appreciation for our staff, students, parents and the community. Morgan County Schools is wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Happy Thanksgiving
Morgan County Schools are closed next week for Thanksgiving Break. However, we wanted to share this week's numbers with you. We hope you all have a great break and we will share updated numbers next week.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Morgan County Schools are closed next week for Thanksgiving Break. However, we wanted to share this week's numbers with you. We hope you all have a great break and we will share updated numbers next week.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
As a reminder, there is NO school next week, November 22 through November 26 for the Thanksgiving Break.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Thanksgiving Break
Local transmission of COVID-19 remains at the HIGH level, therefore masks will be required indoors and on buses next week, November 15 through November 19.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Mask Mandate
Veterans, THANK YOU for your service.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Veterans day
Celebrating National School Psychology Week to highlight the important work school psychologists do to help all students thrive. Thank You Michael Powell for supporting Morgan County students, families and staff.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
School Psychology Week
Michael Powell
Morgan County Schools will be closed Thursday, November 11 for Veterans Day and there is No school for students on Friday, November 12 for a Professional Learning Day for Staff. Local Transmission of COVID-19 remains at the HIGH level, therefore masks will be required indoors and on buses next week, November 8 through November 12.
over 3 years ago, Morgan County Schools
Mask Mandate