Thank you Mr. Fultz for your support and dedication to Morgan County Schools. Social Workers are Essential to our schools and the community.

Thank you Ms. Wood for your support and dedication to Morgan County Schools. Social Workers are Essential to our schools and the community.

Thank you Ms. Freels for your support and dedication to Morgan County Schools. Social Workers are Essential to our schools and the community.

Kindergarten Registration 2021-2022
Children must be 5 years old by June 30.
Parents need to call the school beginning March 15, 2021, to schedule a Registration/Screening Appointment. You MUST have an appointment. COVID Safety guidelines WILL be in effect and strictly followed.
Required documents needed if your child didn’t attend pre-K: Official Birth Certificate, Immunization record, Social Security card, Proof of Residency, proof of physical and dental exam (if completed.).
Required documents if your child did attend our pre-K:
Immunization record, and proof of dental exam.
Widmyer Elementary 304-258-2024
April 20, 2021
12:00 Noon – 3:00 PM
4:00 PM -8:00 PM
Pleasant View Elementary 304-258-2606
April 21, 2021
8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Paw Paw Elementary 304-947-7425
April 22, 2021
8:00 AM-11:30 AM

Love Kids? Need a Summer job?
Now Recruiting Summer Associate Vistas
Must be 18 with a high school diploma/GED
Must be interested in working with children and be committed to the full 10 weeks. Camp MoCo is for children kindergarten through 5th grade. You will be working with Camp MoCo, which will be facilitated by Morgan County school teachers with Vista’s assisting with projects.
Camp sites will be in Morgan County….Pleasant View Elementary, Warm Springs Intermediate and Paw Paw Elementary. Vistas will need to be at each site over the 10 weeks of their service. So a driver’s license and reliable transportation is critical.
June-August, but need to get through the application process ASAP.
Please Contact one of the following if you are interested to get you
started on this process.
Audrey Morris @ Starting Points
304-258-5600 or by email: amorris@starting-points.org
Danelle Smith @ Morgan County Board of Education
304-258-2430 Ext. 2034 or by email: danelle.smith@k12.wv.us

SHOUT OUT to MCS Social Workers. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Morgan County Schools. Social workers are trained to help people address personal and systemic barriers to optimal living. They are employed to effect positive change with individuals, families, groups and entire communities.

Morgan County Schools is helping celebrate this year’s Social Work Month in March with the theme “Social Workers are Essential” to highlight the invaluable contributions social workers make in our society.

Read Across America Day, also known as Dr. Seuss Day, is a yearly observance in the USA inaugurated by the National Education Association. It is held on the school day that is nearest to March 2, Dr Seuss birthday.

Morgan County Schools - Pre-K Registration
Child must be 4 years old by June 30, 2021
Parents: please call Kim Easton or Gerri Haines at
304-258-5335 to schedule an appointment to register
your child for Pre-K.
NO Walk-Ins. Must have an appointment.
March 10, 2021 - 8:00am-1:00pm at Morgan County Board of Education Board Room
March 24, 2021 - 11:00am-3:00pm at Morgan County Board of Education Board Room
***Children are NOT required to attend registration***

National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!
This is only a few of the dedicated school bus drivers in Morgan County. Help us show our appreciation to ALL our school bus drivers today with a "Thank You".

Celebrate the upcoming crop of farmers during National FFA Week, Feb. 20 - 27.

Virtual Meal pickups scheduled for today will be postpone until tomorrow, Tuesday, February, 23 at the same times.

Due to the winter weather predicted this morning, Morgan County Schools will operate in remote learning today, Monday, February 22. Employees follow reporting code A.

Good evening,
In their meeting this week, the Morgan County Board of Education voted to return in-person students to learning 5 days per week beginning on Monday, Feb. 22. Again, all in-person students will attend schools 5 days a week beginning on Monday. The daily schedules will remain the same as they have been all year. Virtual students may remain virtual. Virtual meal packs will be available for pick-up only at the school locations. Meal packs will no longer be delivered. We appreciate your patience as we have worked as a community to lower our infection rates to be able to return to school full-time. Please continue to be diligent in following safety protocols for mask wearing, social distancing and hand washing to help protect all of us and keep our students in school full-time.
Virtual Meal Pick up times:
Monday, Feb. 22
PVE 12-12:30
WES 10-11
WSIS 9:45-10:30
WSMS 9:45-10:15
Wednesday, Feb. 24
PPS 12:30-1
BSHS 2:30-3:00
Please review the attached note from the school nurse.

Good evening, Morgan County Schools will operate in remote learning for tomorrow, Friday, February 19. Students should check Schoology for instructions from their teachers. Employees will follow reporting code A.

Updated School Calendar as of 2/16/2021. A printable copy can be found on the county website, www.morganschools.net.

Due to the impending weather, Morgan County Schools will operate in remote learning for tomorrow, Thursday, February 18. Students should check Schoology for instructions from their teachers. Employees will follow reporting code WS. Essential employees will be called in at the discretion of their supervisors.

"If you can be anything, be kind."

National Black History Month, also known as National African American History Month, during February is a time for all Americans to celebrate the achievements of African Americans. The month recognizes their central role in American history.

Random Act of Kindness Week:
When we tune into kindness happening around us, the day seems a little bit brighter. The week seems a little more manageable.