Summer Device Guidelines

9-11 Graders Will Be Keeping Chromebooks for the Summer.  Please follow the Summer Device Guidelines.

Summer Device Guidelines for BSHS
1. If a student leaves the county school system, parents must contact the technology
department at the board office immediately to arrange return of the device.
2. If your Chromebook/iPad needs repaired or you need assistance, please contact the
Help Desk to schedule an appointment.
3. Two weeks prior to the start of school, students must check their Chromebook/iPad to
make sure it is operational for the first day of school. It is the student’s responsibility to
make sure this is done! If the device has any issues, please contact the Help Desk to
schedule an appointment. Students’ 1st day back is August 23rd.
4. The currently signed Device Care (5137) and Acceptable Use (7540) policies are still in
effect for the summer months.

Please note: Students and parents will sign new policies documents at the beginning of
the 2022-2023 school year.

Help Desk Information
Contact: McKenna Maravelis
Phone: 304-258-2430 Ext. 2043
Office location:
Morgan County Board of Education
247 Harrison Ave
Berkeley Springs, WV 2541