This is an important informational call that may impact the ability for your child to use their Chromebook to complete classwork.
We have made several attempts to get both parent and student signatures on two forms that are required by both Morgan County Schools and Federal policy. If you and your child have not signed both the Acceptable Use Policy and the Policy 5137 Device Care Policy by end of day Monday, October 26th, your child's Chromebook will be disabled by the county technology department. This means your child will not be able to complete their assignments using their assigned Chromebook.
Please visit and review the latest news article, titled STUDENT DEVICE DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION. Follow the links for the instructions for completing the two policies. As an option, your child can bring home a paper copy of both policies from their school's main office in the event you do not have a way to access the Internet. However, it will be your child's responsibility to bring the paper copies home for you to sign and return.