As School Social Work Week concludes, we extend sincere gratitude to Morgan County Schools' Social Workers for their exceptional contributions.

Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 2 a.m. local time. Please remember to set your clocks forward one hour.

Honoring heroes! Thank you, school social workers, for your dedication to students' well-being.

Honoring heroes! Thank you, school social workers, for your dedication to students' well-being.

School Superintendent offers her resignation to school board

Honoring heroes! Thank you, school social workers, for your dedication to students' well-being.

Honoring heroes! Thank you, school social workers, for your dedication to students' well-being.

Honoring heroes! Thank you, school social workers, for your dedication to students' well-being.

Congratulations to Morgan County Schools' State Science Fair winners!
Joselyn Smith-PPS-2nd place
Harlan Fravel-PPS-1st place
Isabella Powell-WSMS-1st place

Honoring heroes! Thank you, school social workers, for your dedication to students' well-being.

Happy School Social Work Week! Let's celebrate the amazing work of school social workers in advocating for student well-being.

Gratitude to our dedicated school maintenance team for their outstanding work.

WV Governor's Schools application deadlines begin March 1. Be sure to check out these amazing free opportunities for Morgan County students in middle and high school. Contact your school counselor for more details.

March Reminders!

This is a reminder that there is no school for students on Wednesday, February 28th! This day is scheduled as a Professional Learning Day for our staff.

The inaugural Governor’s School for Tourism (GST) will launch in the summer of 2024. GST will provide selected 9th and 10th grade students with opportunities to tour West Virginia for 10 days, learning about the tourism and hospitality sectors of our economy through hands-on experiences and introducing a wide variety of career paths in one of the state’s fastest-growing industries. Students will stay at multiple state park lodges and visit historical and other significant landmarks across Almost Heaven. This exciting experience is being planned as a collaboration between the West Virginia Department of Tourism, West Virginia University, and the West Virginia Department of Education.

Congratulations to Joselyn Smith from Paw Paw High School for First Place at the Regional Science Fair!

Happy Presidents' Day! Celebrating our nation's leaders, inspiring greatness in every student. History shapes the future!

Due to impending weather, Morgan County Schools' Social Studies fair scheduled for Saturday, February 17, 2024, at Warm Springs Middle School, is postponed to Saturday, February 24, 2024.

Calling all tech-hungry minds! Is your brain buzzing with ideas for the next big app, the coolest robot, or the most mind-blowing game? This summer, turn those ideas into reality at the West Virginia Governor’s Computer Science Institute! GCSI offers students practical experience in computer science, coding, and programming to solve real-world problems. Contact your school counselor to learn more about this fabulous experience, which is free to current WV freshmen and sophomores.