Join us in celebrating National Assistant Principals Week, April 1-5! A big shoutout to Mylissa Daniels at Widmyer Elementary School for her unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, let's recognize her invaluable contribution to our school community!
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
AP Week - Mylissa Daniels
DEADLINE EXTENSION: The Governor’s School of Literacy through Arts, Culture, and History (GSLACH) offers 8th graders creative literacy-enhancing opportunities. With the recent deadline extension by the Governor's Schools, there is still time for your 8th grader to apply. Check out the website and contact your school counselor for more information. Governor's School of Literacy through Arts, Culture, and History - West Virginia Department of Education ( -
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
2024 GSLACH v2
Join us in celebrating National Assistant Principals Week, April 1-5! A big shoutout to Jason Smith at Berkeley Springs High School for his unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, let's recognize his invaluable contribution to our school community!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
AP Week - Jason Smith
Join us in celebrating National Assistant Principals Week, April 1-5! A big shoutout to Ben Kase at Warm Springs Middle School for his unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, let's recognize his invaluable contribution to our school community!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
AP Week - Ben Kase
Join us in celebrating National Assistant Principals Week, April 1-5! A big shoutout to Christie Butts at Warm Springs Intermediate School for her unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, let's recognize her invaluable contribution to our school community!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
AP Week - Christie Butts
Join us in celebrating National Assistant Principals Week, April 1-5! A big shoutout to Brian Raciborski at Berkeley Springs High School for his unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, let's recognize his invaluable contribution to our school community!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
AP Week - Brian Raciborski
Community Notice Document
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Community Notice
Join us in celebrating National Assistant Principals Week, April 1-5! A big shoutout to Amber Guthrie at Paw Paw Schools for her unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, let's recognize her invaluable contribution to our school community!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
AP WEEK - Amber Guthrie
Wishing you a joyful Easter.
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Happy Easter
This is a reminder that there will be no school from Friday, March 29th through Friday, April 5th for Spring Break. School will resume on Monday, April 8th. However, please note that there's been a change in the schedule for that day. Due to the upcoming solar eclipse, April 8th will now be an early dismissal day for Faculty Senate instead of April 19th.
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
April Reminders
Important School Calendar Change! In light of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th, we've decided to reschedule the Faculty Senate early dismissal that was originally scheduled for April 19th to this date to coincide with this historic event. We believe that witnessing such a rare celestial occurrence can be an educational and memorable experience for our students. Due to the timing of the eclipse and by adjusting the early dismissal date, we aim to provide ample opportunity for everyone to safely observe and appreciate the solar eclipse together. Please mark your calendars accordingly! The new date for the Faculty Senate early dismissal is April 8th. April 19th will now be a full school day. We appreciate your understanding and support as we strive to create enriching experiences for our school community.
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Join Morgan County Schools in congratulating Abigail Close for her first-place finish at the Regional Social Studies Fair held at Musselman High School on March 16! Abigail will be presenting her State and Local Studies project, Wild and Wonderful: New River Gorge Bridge, at the WV State Social Studies Fair in Charleston, WV on April 10. Good luck Abigail!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Abigail Close
Join Morgan County Schools in congratulating Jordan Unger for his first-place finish at the Regional Social Studies Fair held at Musselman High School on March 16! Jordan will be presenting his World History project, History of Wrestling, at the WV State Social Studies Fair in Charleston, WV on April 10. Good luck Jordan!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Jordan Unger
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Regional Social Studies Fair Winners
Happy First Day of Spring!
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Hello Spring
Morgan Arts Council Youth Summer Camps 2024 Information
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Morgan Arts Council Youth Summer Camp 2024 Information
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀
12 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Congratulations to our students at Regional Math Field Day! 3rd place: Elise Powell- 5th grade at WSIS and going to state 16th place: Elizabeth Kessel-11th grade at BSHS and an alternate for state
about 1 year ago, Morgan County Schools
Attention Families: Camp MoCo and Camp Alpha will not be held summer 2024 due to changes in state legislation regarding summer school.
about 1 year ago, Morgan County Schools
Attention Families: Camp MoCo and Camp Alpha will not be held summer 2024 due to changes in state legislation regarding summer school.
The Regional Math Field Day scheduled for tomorrow is being postponed to Wednesday, March 13.
about 1 year ago, Morgan County Schools