Poppin into Pre-K in the park!
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Poppin into Pre-K, Tuesday 6/11/24, 9am-1pm. North Berkeley Park
Thank A Teacher Acrostic Poem from a Warm Springs Intermediate School student in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Thank A Teacher Poem
Thank A Teacher Acrostic Poem from a Widmyer Elementary School student in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Thank A Teacher Poem
Today, we celebrate our incredible school nurses! Thank you for all you do! Happy School Nurse Day!
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
School Nurse Day
Thank A Teacher Acrostic Poem from a Berkeley Springs High School student in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Thank A Teacher Poem
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! You are valued, cherished, and deeply appreciated.
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Teacher Appreciation Day
Thank A Teacher Acrostic Poem from a Pleasant View Elementary School student in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Thank A Teacher Poem
Thank A Teacher Acrostic Poem from a Warm Springs Intermediate School student in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
WSIS 1 Poem
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10! Today we start by celebrating the heart of education! Thank you, teachers, for your dedication, inspiration, and endless impact.
10 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Teachers are Shining Stars! Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you to all the incredible cafeteria staff who work tirelessly to nourish our students with delicious meals every day. Let's give a round of applause and appreciation to these amazing individuals!
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
School Lunch Hero
Morgan County Virtual Academy The application window is open through June 1, 2024. Learn more at https://www.morganschools.net/page/virtual-academy
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Morgan County Virtual Academy
Today, we celebrate the amazing leaders who dedicate themselves to shaping futures and fostering excellence in education. To all our principals, thank you for your unwavering commitment, passion, and tireless efforts in guiding our school community.
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Happy School Principals' Day
May Reminders!
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
May Reminders
Today we celebrate our Administrative Professionals! Thank you to our dedicated team for keeping things running smoothly. You're appreciated!
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Happy Administrative Professionals Day
School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Thank you, school bus drivers, for your dedication and care in safely transporting our future every day.
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Thank You, School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
April is National OT (Occupational Therapy) Month! Cheers to our amazing school OTs! Your support empowers students to succeed. Thank you for making a difference!
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Happy OT Month
The West Virginia Department of Education and the West Virginia Department of Tourism are recruiting heavily for the Governor’s School for Tourism, which will be held from June 20-29 for 9th and 10th graders. Students will be serving as ambassadors for Tourism in our state. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for students! They will be going whitewater rafting, staying at WV State Parks, and visiting all 9 of the travel regions in WV. They will be traveling on charter buses and it’s all FREE! Contact your school counselor to learn more. https://wvde.us/gov-schools/tourism/
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Congratulations to Jordan Unger, BSHS, and Abigail Close, WSMS for a great showing at the WV State Social Studies Fair held at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center on April 10. Jordan received 3rd place for his Division III World History project, History of Wrestling. Abigail received 3rd place for her Division II State & Local Studies project, Wild and Wonderful: The New River Gorge Bridge.
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
Abigail Close
Jordan Unger
The West Virginia Department of Education and the West Virginia Department of Tourism are recruiting heavily for the Governor’s School for Tourism, which will be held from June 20-29 for 9th and 10th graders. Students will be serving as ambassadors for Tourism in our state. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for students! They will be going whitewater rafting, staying at WV State Parks, and visiting all 9 of the travel regions in WV. They will be traveling on charter buses and it’s all free! Contact your school counselor to learn more. https://wvde.us/gov-schools/tourism/
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools
As a reminder, school will resume on Monday, April 8 but there will be a 2-hour early dismissal for Faculty Senate due to a calendar change for the Solar Eclipse.
11 months ago, Morgan County Schools